Inhoud starterset messor barabarus:
– Messor barbarus ant colony
A queen with a number of workers.
– Cotton wool
To prepare a new test tube, for example, it is also useful to use a small piece for offering liquids (no risk of drowning)
– Anti-outbreak set
A specially developed prevention to keep ants inside and outside. Shake well before use!
– 100 grams of sand
To create a thin layer of ground cover for the outside world.
– Outside world
Outside world for the ants where they get food and take away waste.
– 5 x reageerbuis 16 x 150 mm
Extra reageerbuizen, voor uitbreiding, en / of vervanging indien de huidige vervuild is of het waterreservoir er van leeg is.
– Zadenmix 13 gram
Een speciaal samengestelde zadenmix voor startende mierenkolonies.
– Fruit flies +- 100 pieces (if available) or redrunners S +- 20 pieces
A tube of fruit flies, a good food source for small ant colonies or redrunners, a very good food source with a lot of protein for ants and other insectivores. Store both the fruit flies and the redrunners in the freezer.
– Test tube connector
To reduce the opening of the test tube, to be able to connect with a nest, or to be able to offer a 2nd test tube.
– Tweezers
Tweezers, for example, to prepare a test tube ant or to clean up waste from the outside world.
Information type
Messor barbarus is one of the best known ant species in the ant world. They are also called the harvester ant, because they are known to accept various types of seeds and grind them into a paste which they then feed to the larvae and the queen. They are fairly easy-going and undemanding to their conditions, making them an ideal strain for patient beginners.
Specifications :
Scientific name: Messor Barbarus
Common name: Harvester ant
Distribution area: Mediterranean region, mainly southern Europe
Difficulty level: 1.5/5
Queen size: 14-16mm
Worker size: 3-8 mm
Soldier size: 8-15 mm
Maximum age of queen: 25 years
Winter rest: November to March at 15 degrees
Growth rate: 2/5
Growing to number of workers: 10,000
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Foundation: Claustral
Colony formation: Monogyne
Nutrition: seed mix, small insects such as fruit flies, redrunners, crickets, mealy/buffalo/morio worms.
From how many workers to a nest: from 30 workers the colony can be moved to a small nest.
Recommended nest type: test tube, AntLab Fusion Nest, 3d, acrylic.
Messor barbarus is redelijk makkelijk te verzorgen, het belangrijkste is dat de kolonie altijd voldoende zaden en water heeft. Daarnaast kunt u een paar keer per week de kolonie een insect aanbieden, kijk dan goed naar het gedrag, als de kolonie het voedsel bijvoorbeeld niet aanneemt dan heeft de kolonie voldoende voeding tot beschikking en kunt u het een paar dagen later nog eens proberen. Ook is het belangrijk dat deze soort op een plek staat waar weinig tot geen trillingen zijn, deze soort is daar erg gevoelig voor en krijgen hierdoor stress.