Information type
Meranoplus bicolor and a beautiful ant, they are covered in hair that also functions as a defense. In short, a very interesting ant.
Scientific name : Meranoplus bicolor
Dutch name:/
Distribution area : Southeast Asia
Color of the ant : black, brown, reddish
Difficulty: 3/5
Queen size : 8-9 mm
Worker size : 3-5 mm
Soldier size:/
Temperature : 20 to 24 degrees
Optimal temperature : 23-24 degrees
nest humidity : 50 to 60%
humidity outside world : 30 to 50%
Winter rest:/
Growth rate: 2.5/5
Grow to a number of workers : +- 1000 workers
Subfamily : Myrmicinae
Foundation : claustral
Colony formation : monogynous (can have a maximum of 1 queen per nest)
Food : insects such as fruit flies, redrunners, crickets, mealworms, buffalo worms, dubias. Sugars such as beetlejelly, byFormica sunburst ant nectar, honeydew etc.
Food needs : normal
From how many workers to a nest: 30+
Recommended nest type : AntLab Fusion Nest, 3d, ytong, plaster, acrylic
Meranoplus bicolor is fairly easy to care for, give them the right conditions and they will grow into a beautiful colony!