Information type
Camponotus mutilarius is a very well-known species due to their beautiful colors and size.
Scientific name : Camponotus mutilarius
Dutch name :/ Camponotus xiangban
Distribution area : Southeast Asia
Color of the ant : dark red orange brownish
Difficulty: 4/5
Queen size : 13-15 mm
Worker size : 6-12 mm
Soldier size:/
Temperature : 25 to 28 degrees
Optimal temperature : 26-27 degrees
nest humidity : 50 to 60%
humidity outside world : 30 to 50%
Winter dormancy : none
Growth rate: 2/5
Grow to a number of workers : +- 1000 workers
Subfamily : Formicinae
Foundation : claustral
Colony formation : monogynous (can have 1 queen per nest)
Food : insects such as fruit flies, redrunners, crickets, mealworms, buffalo worms, dubias. Sugars such as beetlejelly, byFormica sunburst ant nectar, honeydew etc.
Food needs : normal
From how many workers to a nest : from +- 20 workers to a small nest
Recommended nest type : AntLab ytong Nest, plaster, natural sand/coconut humus setup.
Camponotus mutilarius is a bit more difficult to keep in the beginning, which is why this species is not suitable for beginners. They love sugar very much and accept it eagerly. Give the colony the right conditions and they will grow into a beautiful colony.