Information type
Pheidole noda is a well-known ant species that has large soldiers. They grow quickly and there is always a lot of activity to be seen.
Scientific name : Pheidole noda
Dutch name:/
Area of distribution : Japan, India, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka
Color of the ant : black, brown, reddish
Difficulty: 2.5/5
Queen size : 7-8 mm
Worker size : 3-4 mm
Soldier size: 4.5-5
Temperature : 24 to 28 degrees
Optimal temperature : 25-27 degrees
nest humidity : 60 to 80%
humidity outside world : 30 to 50%
Winter rest:/
Growth rate: 4/5
Growing to a number of workers : +- 3000 workers
Subfamily : Myrmicinae
Foundation : claustral
Colony formation : monogynous (can have a maximum of 1 queen per nest)
Food : insects such as fruit flies, redrunners, crickets, mealworms, buffalo worms, dubias. Sugars such as beetlejelly, byFormica sunburst ant nectar, honeydew etc.
Food needs : high
From how many workers to a nest: 50+
Recommended nest type : AntLab Fusion Nest, 3d, ytong, plaster, acrylic
Pheidole noda is not difficult to keep, they love sugars and insects and will eagerly accept them. With the right conditions they will grow into a beautiful colony.