It sometimes happens that an ant colony is covered in mites, this can be seen by a number or even hundreds of small white creatures walking around in and on the setup. This treatment has been specially developed to combat this.
How does it work:
The anti-mite creates a sticky barrier, when the mites walk through it they become stuck and their joints are immobilized, which then leads to the mites' extinction.
How to apply:
The anti-mite is best applied to glass/plastic. Coat the outside of the outside world and test tube with the anti-mite, the suitable place for application depends on the setup. If you have any questions, please feel free to inquire!
Make sure that the inside of the outside world is well lubricated with fluoro and keep the lid of the outside world open during the treatment, so that the mites can easily reach the treated area.
Treatment period:
This depends on the number of mites. We recommend letting the anti-mite take effect for at least 1 week. Continue this until no more living mites are visible. Once the problem has been resolved, clean the smeared areas with a damp cloth.
Never use the anti-mite in places that ants can walk over, so treat specifically the places out of reach of ants!
Packaging: 20 milliliters