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Buy an acrylic nest

Besides buying a 3D nest, you can also buy an acrylic nest to give your ants a pleasant stay. When we talk about buying an acrylic nest, most people are referring to an ant farm.

An acrylic nest is a very practical nest

By buying an acrylic nest, you buy a very practical nest. We work with very transparent and lighter materials. Ideal, because this way the colony always remains clearly visible. In most cases, if you decide to buy an acrylic nest, it is an integrated cupboard part with the outdoor enclosure. If you decide to buy an acrylic nest and want to get started with it, first remove the protective foil. Of course, you always place the acrylic nest in a quiet place.

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You can buy an acrylic nest in different shapes and sizes

You can buy an acrylic nest in different variants. For example, there are models available that are equipped with a tray at the bottom. You can then fill it with water. There are also models available that have a sponge on the top. Moisten this sponge with a pipette and make sure that the moisture reaches the nest space. Because that part must also be partially moistened and remain moist. An acrylic nest often comes with mats to connect certain spaces to each other. You can do this by keeping the mats in boiling water to first make them flexible. They can then easily be connected to the space you want.

First place the test tube outdoors; This way you prevent stress for the queen

Placing the ants in an acrylic nest requires some knowledge. Initially place the test tube outdoors and not immediately in the nest. This can cause stress for the queen and you should always try to avoid that. Of course, which nest is best depends somewhat on the type of ants you keep. One person swears by a 3D nest, for example, while another has a wooden nest. This is highly dependent on the adaptability of the ants. So always get good information before you buy a particular litter. Because only if you know how to create the ideal conditions, you can work properly with your own ant colony.

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